Package: mosaic 1.9.1

Randall Pruim

mosaic: Project MOSAIC Statistics and Mathematics Teaching Utilities

Data sets and utilities from Project MOSAIC (<>) used to teach mathematics, statistics, computation and modeling. Funded by the NSF, Project MOSAIC is a community of educators working to tie together aspects of quantitative work that students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics will need in their professional lives, but which are usually taught in isolation, if at all.

Authors:Randall Pruim [aut, cre], Daniel T. Kaplan [aut], Nicholas J. Horton [aut]

mosaic.pdf |mosaic.html
mosaic/json (API)

# Install 'mosaic' in R:
install.packages('mosaic', repos = c('', ''))

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Minimal R (ggformula version)

Rendered fromMinimalRgg.Rnwusingknitr::knitron Feb 12 2025.

Last update: 2022-02-28
Started: 2017-06-27

Resources Related to the mosaic Package

Rendered frommosaic-resources.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 12 2025.

Last update: 2022-09-20
Started: 2015-05-17

Simulation-based inference with mosaic

Rendered fromResampling.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 12 2025.

Last update: 2023-10-30
Started: 2020-06-24

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
mosaic: the Project MOSAIC packagemosaic-package mosaic
Adaptively generate sequences in an intervaladapt_seq
1-ary Aggregating functionsaggregatingFunction1
1- or 2-ary aggregating functionsaggregatingFunction1or2
2-ary aggregating functionsaggregatingFunction2
Convert objects to xtabs formatas.xtabs as.xtabs.matrix
Average Shifted Histogramsashplot panel.ashplot prepanel.default.ashplot
Create bar graphs from raw databargraph
Exact Tests for Proportionsbinom.test
Multi-Dimensional Root FindingBroyden
Central portion of a distributioncdist xcbeta xcbinom xcchisq xcf xcgamma xcgeom xcnbinom xcpois xct
Extract Chi-squared statisticchisq chisq.default chisq.htest chisq.table
Return a dataset based on the CIA World FactbookCIAdata
Compute confidence intervals from (multiple) simulated data setsCIsim
Central Probability in a Normal or T Distributioncnorm ct
Defunct functionscompareMean compareProportion deltaMethod gwm mm perctable proptable r.squared xhistogram
Confidence interval methods for output of resamplingconfint confint.numeric confint.summary.lm
Extract summary statisticsconfint.htest pval pval.htest stat stat.htest stat.uneval
Alternative formula interface for cor.testcor.test cor_test cor_test.default cor_test.formula
Factor cross productscross
Cull objects used with do()cull_for_do
Convert between degrees and radiansdeg2rad rad2deg
Create new variables from logicalsderivedFactor derivedVariable
Interactively design plotsdesign_plot
Difference in means and proportionsdiffmean diffprop
Do Things Repeatedly*,repeater,ANY-method Do do do.default do.numeric print.repeater
Return the path to a documentation file in a packagedocFile
DotplotsdotPlot panel.dotPlot
Distribution wrapperdpqrdist
Expand the left-hand side of a formulaexpandFun
Conditionally convert vectors to factorsfactorise factorize factorize.character factorize.default factorize.numeric
Some favorite statistical summariesfav_stats
Defunct functions now in the fetch packagefetchData fetchGapminder fetchGapminder1 fetchGoogle
Find zeros of functionsfindZeros solve.formula
Find the zeros of a function of two or more variablesfindZerosMult
Fit a nonlinear least squares modelcoef.nlsfunction fitModel model model.nlsfunction summary.nlsfunction
Fit splines to datafitSpline
mosaic tools for clusteringfortify.hclust mplot.hclust
Extract data from R objectsfortify.summary.glm fortify.summary.lm fortify.TukeyHSD
Turn histograms into frequency polygonsfreqpoly hist2freqpolygon plot.freqpolygon
Frequency Polygonsfreqpolygon panel.freqpolygon prepanel.default.freqpolygon
Create function from dataconnector FunctionsFromData linearModel smoother spliner
Extract data from a data frame using a formula interfacegetVarFormula
Display a point on earth on a Google MapgoogleMap
Infer argumentsinferArgs
Check for whole number valuesis.wholenumber
Add to Lattice Plotsladd
Simple Leaflet Mapsleaflet_map
Functions for teaching linear algebra.linear.algebra mat singvals
All pairs mean and sum of absolute differencesMAD SAD
All pairs mean and sum of absolute differencesMAD_ SAD_
Aggregate for mosaicmaggregate
Create a color generating function from a vector of colorsmakeColorscheme
Make a map with 'ggplot2'makeMap
Aggregating functionscor cov favstats fivenum IQR iqr max mean mean_ median min prod quantile range sd sum var
midpoints along a sequencemid
Setting options for mosaic package functionsmosaic.getOption mosaic.options mosaic.par.get mosaic.par.set mosaicGetOption mosaicLatticeOptions restoreLatticeOptions
Generic plottingmplot mplot.default mplot.lm mplot.summary.lm mplot.TukeyHSD
Interactive plottingmMap mPlot mScatter mUniplot
Make a US map with 'ggplot2'mUSMap
Mustang PricesMustangs
Make a world map with 'ggplot2'mWorldMap
Create vector based on roughly equally sized groupsntiles
Odds Ratio and Relative Risk for 2 x 2 Contingency TablesoddsRatio orrr print.oddsRatio print.relrisk relrisk summary.oddsRatio summary.relrisk
Lattice plot that draws a filled contour plotpanel.levelcontourplot
show confidence and prediction bands on plotspanel.lmbands
Panel function for plotting functionspanel.plotFun
Panel function for plotting functionspanel.plotFun1
Illustrated probability calculations from distributionspdist xpbeta xpbinom xpchisq xpf xpgamma xpgeom xpnbinom xppois xpt
Cumulative frequency plotspanel.cumfreq plotCumfreq plotCumfreq.default plotCumfreq.formula prepanel.cumfreq
Plots of Discrete and Continuous DistributionsplotDist
Plotting mathematical expressionsplotFun
Plot a regression modelplotModel plotModel.default plotModel.parsedModel
Scatter plot of pointsplotPoints
Projectionsdot project project,formula-method project,matrix-method project,numeric-method vlength
Internal function for testing proportionprop_test
Exact and Approximate Tests for Proportionsprop.test
The Data Distributioncdata ddata pdata qdata rdata
The Data Distributioncdata_f cdata_v ddata_f ddata_v pdata_f pdata_v qdata_f qdata_v rdata_f rdata_v
Illustrated quantile calculations from distributionsqdist xqbeta xqbinom xqchisq xqf xqgamma xqgeom xqnbinom xqpois xqt
Random Regressorsrand
Read data filesread.file
Resample a Linear Modelrelm
Repeater objectsrepeater-class
More Random Samplesdeal resample sample sample.default sample.factor sample.lm sample.matrix shuffle
Rescalerescale rescale.character rescale.default rescale.factor rescale.numeric
Tossing Coinsnflip print.cointoss rflip
Generate a natural-looking functionrfun rpoly2
Sample longitude and latitude on a spherergeo rgeo2 rlatlon rlonlat
Simulate spinning a spinnerrspin
Extract r-squared valuersquared
Check whether RStudio is in userstudio_is_available
Set seed in parallel compatible wayset.rseed
Sleep and MemorySleep
Transforms a shapefile into a dataframesp2df
Standardization of Geographic NamesstandardCountry standardName standardState
Tally test statisticsstatTally
Format strings for pretty outputsurround
Swap values among columns of a data frameswap
Student's t-Testt.test t_test t_test.default t_test.formula
ggplot2 theme for mapstheme_map
Lattice Themecol.mosaic theme.mosaic
Additional interfaces to TukeyHSDTukeyHSD.formula TukeyHSD.lm
Update confidence intervalupdate_ci
Extract value from an objectvalue value.default value.integrate
Augmented Chi-squared testxchisq.test
Augmented histogramshistogram panel.xhistogram prepanel.xhistogram xhistogramBreaks
Augmented versions of pnorm and qnormxcnorm xpnorm xqnorm
Augmented version of 'qqmath'panel.xqqmath xqqmath
Convert back and forth between latitude/longitude and XYZ-spacelatlon2xyz lonlat2xyz xyz2latlon
Compute z-scoreszscore