1. ggformula::MIpop
    Population of Michigan counties
  2. mosaic::Mustangs
    Mustang Prices
  3. mosaic::Sleep
    Sleep and Memory
  4. mosaicCalc::Anchorage_tide
    Tide levels from the US NOAA
  5. mosaicCalc::Aquaman
    Box office from the movie Aquaman
  6. mosaicCalc::Blob1
    Shapes used in moment of inertia calculations
  7. mosaicCalc::Blob2
    Shapes used in moment of inertia calculations
  8. mosaicCalc::Blob3
    Shapes used in moment of inertia calculations
  9. mosaicCalc::Blob4
    Shapes used in moment of inertia calculations
  10. mosaicCalc::Body_fat
    Measurements of body-fat percentage and related quantities
  11. mosaicCalc::Boyle
  12. mosaicCalc::CPUs
    Characteristics of computer central processing unit chips over the decades
  13. mosaicCalc::Cello
    Short recordings of a cello and a violin
  14. mosaicCalc::Cello_seg
    Short recordings of a cello and a violin
  15. mosaicCalc::Chirps
    Cricket chirp rate and temperature
  16. mosaicCalc::Covid_US
    COVID data from the first half of the pandemic
  17. mosaicCalc::EbolaAll
    Case numbers in an Ebola outbreak in 2014
  18. mosaicCalc::EbolaGuinea
    Case numbers in an Ebola outbreak in 2014
  19. mosaicCalc::Ee_sound
    Recordings of vowel sounds
  20. mosaicCalc::Effective_oxygen
    Effective amount of oxygen available at different altitudes
  21. mosaicCalc::Engines
    Characteristics of various internal combustion engines
  22. mosaicCalc::Fly_ball
    Trajectory of a fly ball in baseball
  23. mosaicCalc::HDD_Minneapolis
    Heating degree days in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
  24. mosaicCalc::Home_utilities
    Gas and electricity usage by a home in St. Paul, MN
  25. mosaicCalc::Kepler
    Kepler's calculation of the position of Mars
  26. mosaicCalc::M2014F
    Mortality versus age for females in the US in 2014
  27. mosaicCalc::Oh_sound
    Recordings of vowel sounds
  28. mosaicCalc::Planet_solar
    Solar irradiance of the planets
  29. mosaicCalc::Planets
    NASA data on planets
  30. mosaicCalc::RI_tide
    Tide levels from the US NOAA
  31. mosaicCalc::Robot_stations
    Waypoints on the path of a fictitious robot
  32. mosaicCalc::Runners
    Running times
  33. mosaicCalc::SSA_2007
    US Mortality table from 2007
  34. mosaicCalc::UK_GDP
    Gross Domestic Product of the United Kingdom over a millenium
  35. mosaicCalc::US_income
    Income distribution data from the US in 2009
  36. mosaicCalc::Violin
    Short recordings of a cello and a violin
  37. mosaicCalc::Violin_seg
    Short recordings of a cello and a violin
  38. mosaicCalc::Vowel_ee
    Recordings of vowel sounds
  39. mosaicCalc::Vowel_oh
    Recordings of vowel sounds
  40. mosaicCalc::World_oil
    Yearly production of oil, globally
  41. mosaicData::Alcohol
    Alcohol Consumption per Capita
  42. mosaicData::Birthdays
    US Births in 1969 - 1988
  43. mosaicData::Births
    US Births
  44. mosaicData::Births2015
    US Births
  45. mosaicData::Births78
    US Births
  46. mosaicData::BirthsCDC
    US Births
  47. mosaicData::BirthsSSA
    US Births
  48. mosaicData::CPS85
    Data from the 1985 Current Population Survey (CPS85)
  49. mosaicData::Cards
    Standard Deck of Cards
  50. mosaicData::CoolingWater
  51. mosaicData::Countries
  52. mosaicData::Dimes
    Weight of dimes
  53. mosaicData::Galton
    Galton's dataset of parent and child heights
  54. mosaicData::Gestation
    Data from the Child Health and Development Studies
  55. mosaicData::GoosePermits
    Goose Permit Study
  56. mosaicData::HELPfull
    Health Evaluation and Linkage to Primary Care
  57. mosaicData::HELPmiss
    Health Evaluation and Linkage to Primary Care
  58. mosaicData::HELPrct
    Health Evaluation and Linkage to Primary Care
  59. mosaicData::HeatX
    Data from a heat exchanger laboratory
  60. mosaicData::KidsFeet
    Foot measurements in children
  61. mosaicData::Marriage
    Marriage records
  62. mosaicData::Mites
    Mites and Wilt Disease
  63. mosaicData::RailTrail
    Volume of Users of a Rail Trail
  64. mosaicData::Riders
    Volume of Users of a Massachusetts Rail Trail
  65. mosaicData::SAT
    State by State SAT data
  66. mosaicData::SaratogaHouses
    Houses in Saratoga County (2006)
  67. mosaicData::SnowGR
    Snowfall data for Grand Rapids, MI
  68. mosaicData::SwimRecords
    100 m Swimming World Records
  69. mosaicData::TenMileRace
    Cherry Blossom Race
  70. mosaicData::Utilities
    Utility bills
  71. mosaicData::Utilities2
    Utility bills
  72. mosaicData::Weather
  73. mosaicData::Whickham
    Data from the Whickham survey